Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) govern the relationship between The Curated Travel Collection, LLC (“CTC” and/or “we/us/our”) and you, the purchaser and/or traveler (“Client” and “you/your”). You agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and acknowledge that these Terms and Conditions may restrict your rights and remedies and provide protection to CTC.

  1. Travel Documents: You agree to immediately review your itinerary and other travel documents for accuracy once received and to inform CTC within twenty-four (24) hours of receiving your travel documents of any outstanding issues. The names on your documents must match your government-issued ID. CTC shall bear no liability for any additional costs associated with making necessary corrections.
  2. Agent for Suppliers:  CTC acts as a sales agent for any airline, hotel, car rental company, tour operator, cruise line, or other service provider named in your itinerary or confirmation (“Suppliers”). CTC acts solely as a booking agent for these Suppliers and does not provide any travel service. CTC does not control any Supplier as each Supplier is an independent entity operating under its own management. You consent to the use of these Suppliers and acknowledge their independence from CTC. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR REVIEWING AND ACCEPTING ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF EACH SUPPLIER ON YOUR ITINERARY. AS YOUR SUPPLIERS ARE NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF CTC, WE DO NOT MAINTAIN EACH SUPPLIER’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS. CTC is not responsible for the acts or omissions of the Suppliers or their failure to adhere to their own schedules, provide services or refunds, financial default, or failure to honor future trip credits. CTC shall bear no liability for a Supplier who provides a trip credit or any other remedy in lieu of a refund. CTC does not warrant and has no knowledge regarding the financial condition of the Suppliers.
  3. Risks of Travel and Release: As CTC does not have the right to control Suppliers, you agree that CTC is not liable for any personal injury or property damage that may arise out of the services provided by Suppliers. CTC DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING LIABILITY FOR DIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES CONNECTED TO ANY SUPPLIER FOR ANY ACT, ERROR, OMISSION, INJURY, LOSS, ACCIDENT, DELAY, OR IRREGULARITY THAT MAY BE INCURRED THROUGH THE FAULT, NEGLIGENCE, WILLFUL ACTS, OMISSIONS, OR OTHERWISE OF EACH SUPPLIER OR THEIR EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, SERVANTS, OR REPRESENTATIVES, INCLUDING THE SUPPLIER’S FAILURE TO DELIVER SERVICES, THEIR CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICIES, FUEL INCREASES, BANKRUPTCY, OR CESSATION OF OPERATIONS, AND OTHER MATTERS OUTSIDE OF CTC’S CONTROL. YOU HEREBY RELEASE CTC FROM ANY LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE SAME. CTC assumes no responsibility for and shall not be liable for the acts or omissions on the part of any other party, including Suppliers, not under CTC’s control or any acts of God, unsafe conditions, terrorism, health hazards including pandemics, illness, weather hazards, or the suitability for a disabled person of any portion of any trip. CTC shall have no responsibility for risks and dangers during your travel or at your travel destinations. It is your personal decision to travel, and you agree that you are doing so with full knowledge of current travel recommendations and travel restrictions regarding dangers and risks. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL TRAVEL RISKS AND DANGERS. YOU AGREE TO FOREVER RELEASE, DISCHARGE, AND HOLD CTC, AND OUR AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, ASSOCIATES, AFFILIATED COMPANIES, GUIDES,  GROUP  LEADERS, AND SUBCONTRACTORS HARMLESS AGAINST ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, ACTIONS,  CAUSES  OF  ACTIONS, SUITS, CLAIMS, AND DEMANDS OF ANY AND EVERY KIND AND NATURE WHATSOEVER WHICH YOU NOW HAVE OR WHICH MAY HEREAFTER ARISE OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH TRAVEL RISKS AND DANGERS.
  4. Foreign Entry Rules: You assume full and complete responsibility for checking and verifying for every traveler in your party all passport, visa, vaccination, or other entry requirements of your destination and your connecting points, and all conditions regarding health, safety, security, political stability, and labor or civil unrest at such destination. YOU EXPRESSLY RELEASE CTC FROM ALL COSTS, DAMAGES, OR LOSSES THAT MAY RESULT FROM DESTINATION ENTRY REQUIREMENTS, ALL CONNECTING POINTS, AND HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS CONCERNING TRAVEL.
  5. Fees and Price Drops: You agree to pay for travel planning, change requests, and other fees that may apply. All CTC’s fees are non-refundable. If a Supplier drops the price of a trip after booking, CTC will attempt to assist you with rebooking if the Supplier allows such; however, a fee may apply. CTC does not guarantee any refunds or successful rebooking with Suppliers.
  6. Price Increases: Travel arrangements involving airline and cruise components are subject to Supplier’s supplemental price increases that may be imposed by the Supplier and/or government, even after you have completed your purchase. You hereby consent to any such price increase and authorize your credit or debit card to be used for price increases. Suppliers have their own contracts covering cancellation penalties and other terms and conditions, and you may be bound by those contracts regardless of whether you receive notice of their terms.
  7. Reservation Rule Violations. You agree not to purchase a ticket or tickets containing flight segments that you will not be using, such as a “point-beyond”, “hidden-city”, or “back-to-back tickets”. You further agree not to purchase a round-trip ticket that you plan to use only for one-way travel. You acknowledge that airlines generally prohibit all such tickets.
  8. Insurance: For your protection, we strongly recommend that you purchase trip cancellation and travel accident insurance. Please note that most policies have a specific clause stating they do not cover epidemics and pandemics, especially when travel warnings are in place. No representation or description of the insurance made by CTC constitutes a binding assurance or promise regarding insurance coverage. YOU AGREE TO HOLD CTC HARMLESS FOR YOUR ELECTION NOT TO PURCHASE TRAVEL INSURANCE OR FOR ANY DENIAL OF A CLAIM BY THE TRAVEL INSURER AS IT RELATES TO ANY CLAIM UNDER THE POLICY INCLUDING CLAIMS FOR COVID-19.
  9. Credit Card Merchant: If CTC is the credit card merchant, our role is to facilitate the sale, collect funds on your behalf, and remit those funds to the Suppliers. IF A SUPPLIER FAILS TO PROVIDE SERVICES, YOUR ONLY RECOURSE IS AGAINST THE SUPPLIER. YOU AGREE NOT TO INITIATE A CREDIT CARD CHARGEBACK AGAINST CTC.
  10. Disputes: The laws of the State of South Carolina govern these Terms and Conditions. You hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in Charleston County, South Carolina for all disputes arising out of or relating to CTC, exclusive of choice of laws provisions. YOU SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REASONABLE EXPENSES, COSTS, AND ATTORNEYS’ FEES THAT CTC INCURS IN ANY PROCEEDING TO ENFORCE THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU AGREE TO WAIVE ANY RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL FOR ANY CLAIM OF ANY KIND. CTC HAS SOLELY RECEIVED COMMISSION AND FEES FOR TRAVEL TRANSACTIONS, AND YOU AGREE AND UNDERSTAND THAT ANY RECOVERY FROM CTC WILL BE LIMITED TO THE AMOUNT OF COMMISSION AND FEES ACTUALLY RECEIVED BY CTC. You agree that you may only bring claims in your individual capacity and not as plaintiffs or class members in any class action, proposed or purported class action, or other representative action, regardless of the type of proceeding. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE TO WAIVE AND FOREGO ANY AND ALL RIGHTS TO BRING SUCH CLASS ACTIONS, PURPORTED OR PROPOSED CLASS ACTIONS, OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTIONS.
  11. Miscellaneous: Each provision of the Terms and Conditions is severable from every other provision of the agreement. Any determination by a court of competent jurisdiction that a provision of the Terms and Conditions is invalid or unenforceable will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. The captions and sub-captions contained in these Terms and Conditions are for the purpose of convenience and shall not be construed as limiting or expanding the text. These Terms and Conditions contain the entire agreement between you and CTC regarding the matters set forth, and the Terms and Conditions are intended to supersede all prior agreements, oral and/or written representations, and promises.